

Course reviews have been sorted by course category. For more information about the categories and tagging rules please refer to the booklets given in Resources

Core Courses

Compulsory courses that everyone in the department has to take to complete their degree. They count towards one's main CPI.

Department Electives

One is expected to take four department electives during their degree (this number might change, refer to the Physics Booklet). They count towards one's main CPI.

Institute Electives

Three institute electives are to be taken during the degree (this number might change, refer to the Physics Booklet). They count towards one's main CPI.

Minor Courses

These are courses from other departments that you pre-register for. They do not count towards one's main CPI.

HSS Electives

One needs to take one HSS Elective during their degree, and choose between Literature, Sociology, Psychology, and Philosophy. It counts towards one's main CPI.



Department of Physics, IIT Bombay
Mumbai, MH 400076